Bandit shot during attempted robbery at Chinese supermarket

A bandit was shot on Thursday during an attempted robbery committed at the Good Luck Chinese Supermarket in C-Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown.
According to the police, two armed men entered the supermarket through its western door at around 16:50h. At that time, a security guard contracted to a private security service was stationed in a guard hut, and he was armed with a 12-gauge shotgun. One of the suspects, armed with a handgun, approached the teller and demanded the money and phone cards from a drawer. The teller’s screams alerted the security guard, and he confronted the suspects and discharged a round that hit one of the suspects. The two suspects then fled the supermarket, firing several rounds as they escaped.

CCTV footage showing the bandits exchanging gunfire with a security guard outside the Chinese supermarket in Sophia

The injured suspect later appeared at the Georgetown Public Hospital with gunshot wounds to his right middle finger and the right side of his lower jaw. He was arrested by police, and is currently receiving medical attention under police guard.
Following the incident, police recovered one cartridge casing and two .32 spent shells from the scene.
The police have said they are diligently searching for the other suspect, and the investigation is ongoing. (G9)