Bandits break into Diamond businessman’s home, escape with $6M

A 32-year-old Chinese businessman from Diamond Public Road, East Bank Demerara, reportedly fell victim to a robbery where masked gunmen broke into his home in the early hours of Saturday.
According to the Police report, at about 02:30h, Wange Wi was allegedly robbed. The incident involved three male suspects, two of whom had on ski masks, and each of them brandished a handgun.
Reports are that the victim lives in the upper flat of a three-story concrete building situated on the western side of the Diamond Public Road, East Bank Demerara. The lower flat serves as a hardware store accessible to customers through an eastern-facing shutter, while the second flat functions as a storage room.
The businessman informed the Police that on Friday, at around 20:00h, after closing his business for the day, he counted his earnings, which amounted to $6 million. He secured the cash in a black haversack in his bedroom on the upper flat of the building.
However, on Saturday at approximately 02:00h, the businessman and his 31-year-old wife were startled awake by a person demanding to know the whereabouts of the money. The three suspects confronted them at gunpoint, forcibly tied their hands and feet, and proceeded to search the room.
They successfully located the black haversack containing the cash and then made their escape. The Police stated that the suspects gained entry to the upper flat by accessing the northern roof of the building and creating a hole in the zinc roofing. From there, they cut through the sheetrock ceiling to enter the victim’s bedroom.
During their escape, the suspects left behind a DVR containing two sets of latent fingerprints, which the Police have secured as potential evidence.
The victim and his wife managed to free themselves and call the Police.
An investigation has been launched. (G9)