As residents continue to decry the high occurrences of robberies in Eccles, East Bank Demerara, yet another home was broken into at the Young Professionals Housing Scheme.
The thieves gained access to the house by drilling a hole in a wall.
According to the owner of the home, Raj Balram, his tenant returned home just after midnight on Sunday to be greeted by a ransacked house, with several missing items.
Balram told Guyana Times on Monday that the woman contacted him, and while in tears, informed him that the home had been robbed. He said that he rushed to her aid and after close examination of the home, the duo stumbled upon a hole on the northern side of the flat concrete house.
The Police were summoned, but informed them that no finger prints could be taken at night and promised to return on Monday. However, up to late Monday afternoon, they had not returned.
This is the second time bandits have robbed a home belonging to Balram, with the first being sometime in July when he was attacked in front of his premises, beaten and robbed of millions in items from his home.
As the head of the Eccle’s Policing Group, Balram, along with other members of the community, are petitioning for the Ministry of Communities to transform the housing scheme into a gated community.
Recently, Balram, along with another resident was held at gunpoint and robbed.