Banks DIH donates over $6M to community groups, organisations
Banks DIH Limited has gifted over $6 million to 27 community groups and organisations as part of the Banks DIH Limited’s commitment to community impact. Delivering remarks at the handing over Marketing Director, Carlton Joao, emphasized the importance of community and the positive work the organizations being honoured does for communities throughout the country.
The donations were presented to the organizations by Chairman/Managing Director of Banks DIH, Clifford Reis.
Chairman of Banks DIH, Clifford Reis and directors with recipients
This year’s ceremony was held in the Rotunda and the donations were disbursed to the Missionaries of Charity; St. Andrew’s Kirk; The Scout Association of Guyana; Girls Guides Association; St. John’s Ambulance Brigade; The Guyana Conference of Seventh-Day Adventist; Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA); Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA); Uncle Eddie’s Home; Salvation Army; Gentlewomen’s Relief Association; St George’s Cathedral; St Joseph’s Mercy Hospital; Guyana Red Cross Society; Guyana Society for the Blind; Guyana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; St. Thomas Mores Conference Society of the St Vincent De Paul, St. Philip’s Parish Church; St. Vincent De Paul Society, St. George’s Finance Committee; Dharm Shala, Guyana Sanathan Dharma Maha Saba, Shaheed’s Boys and Girls 2 Orphanage, St. John’s Bosco Boy’s Orphanage, Ruimveldt Children’s Home and Care Centre, Our Lady of the Mount RC Church, and Our Lady of the Mount Charities.