Home Top Stories Bartica businessman hammers customer to death over spilling of alcohol
An argument at a Bartica gaming shop in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) turned deadly on Wednesday evening when a businessman who armed himself with a hammer dealt a customer several blows.
The dead man has been identified as 40-year-old Mark Braithwaite of Four Miles Housing Scheme. The 34-year-old suspect, of Second Avenue, Bartica, is in Police custody.
Based on reports received, the incident occurred at about 19:45h on Wednesday at the Blast Gaming Center at Second Avenue, Bartica. The establishment is owned and operated by the suspect’s 63-year-old father.
On the day and time in question, the suspect was left in charge of the gaming centre while the victim, a regular customer, was playing at one of the slot machines.
A misunderstanding developed between them over alcohol being spilled on the countertop, and the suspect scolded Braithwaite about the incident, which angered him.
In retaliation, Braithwaite armed himself with several glass bottles that were nearby and began hurling them at the suspect, who was in the bar behind the counter.
The suspect, in turn, armed himself with a hammer and went behind Braithwaite, who at the time had made his way to the front of the gaming centre. There, the suspect allegedly dealt the victim blows to his head and face.
Having fallen motionless to the ground, Braithwaite was picked up and taken to the Bartica Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. The body was examined, and blunt wounds were observed to the right jaw area, above the right eye, and to the forehead. The suspect, who was arrested, is assisting with investigations.