Bartica man doused with acid during birthday celebration

Jermaine Thornhill of 1¾ Miles Potaro Road in Bartica is presently a patient at the Bartica Hospital in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), nursing burns sustained to his back and hands after being doused with acid during his birthday celebrations on Tuesday evening.
Based on reports received, Thornhill and other relatives were celebrating his 38th birth anniversary when an argument erupted between him and his wife. the suspect Wayne Johnson, also known as “Wayne,” was there, and he reportedly intervened in the misunderstanding.
Rebuked by Thornhill for his intervention, and asked to leave the premises, the angry suspect reportedly departed the premises, but returned about five minutes later to confront Thornhill.
“Thornhill, look this acid!” the suspect reportedly shouted at the man before dousing him with liquid that was in a container he had with him. Immediately thereafter, the suspect Wayne Johnson fled the scene on a motorcycle.
Police have said that Thornhill had managed to turn away, and the liquid splashed on his back and on both his hands. He immediately began crying out for severe pain, and was taken to the Bartica Regional Hospital, where he was treated and admitted as a patient in stable condition.
The matter having been been reported to the police, they are on the hunt for this suspect.