Bartica Market set for major rehab works

…costing M

Residents of Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) will soon be the beneficiaries of a state-of-the-art market, according to Town Clerk Phebe Wallerson, who disclosed that in a few weeks, the Bartica Market would undergo major rehabilitation works.
According to the Town Clerk, the municipality intends to design the Bartica Market as one of the first ‘green markets’ in the country and is eagerly anticipating its completion.  “We also intend (that) it will not just be a place for selling goods and acquiring products that you need, but we also want to ensure that our marketplace

Bartica Town Clerk Phebe Wallerson

can be a tourism point within our municipality as well,” Wallerson stated.
The Town Clerk added that the estimated cost of the rehabilitation was $20 million and was expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2018.
Wallerson said vendors who currently occupy the Market have already been notified of the upcoming works and have given the Town Council their full support.
Additionally, she disclosed that the Council has also embarked on a project to develop the community centre. The facility will see major structural changes, which include the construction of an all-purpose court for the youths of the community.
According to the Department of Public Infrastructure (DPI), the project was facilitated through a grant provided by the Department of Culture, Youth and Sport.
It is among several major projects that the fairly new town has undertaken for its development.
The Bartica Golden Beach Boulevard project commenced last month as part of the Green Bartica initiative and is now 40 per cent complete. Mayor Gifford Marshall said that thus far, five mini-marts have been constructed and works have commenced on the walkway.
The contract for this project was one of seven signed under the Communities Ministry’s Community Infrastructural Improvement Project (CIIP) earlier in the year. Contractor Ivor Allen is currently carrying out the project at a cost of $40.8 million.