Basketball coach dies after losing control of speeding car

Dead: Dave Causway

A well-known basketball coach died on Tuesday after losing control of the motor car he was driving along the Unamico Trail, Upper Berbice River, Region Ten (Upper Demerara-Berbice)
Dead is 36-year-old Dave Causway of Kwakwani, Berbice River, Region Ten. Based on reports received, Causway was driving a motor car bearing registration number PAB 1457 at a fast rate of speed and while negotiating a turn along the trail, he lost control of the vehicle.
The vehicle reportedly toppled several times before coming to a halt thus pinning Causway inside. He was pulled from the wreckage by public-spirited citizens and taken to the Kwakwani District Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
According to the dead man’s aunt, Elsa La Rose, Causway was at the time transporting friends when they encountered difficulties climbing a hill. As such, he reportedly stopped the car and instructed his friends to disembark and walk up the hill while he followed.
After reaching some distance and his friends did not see him, they started to walk back down the hill where they saw his car in a clump of bushes. At the time, he was not in the vehicle but after searching, they found him trapped under.

Family and friends gathered at the scene

The Georgetown Amateur Basketball Association in a statement stated that his roles as a member of the last Guyana junior national championship team, a club champion, a senior national player, and the founder and coach of his team.
“His love for basketball was immense; it was his passion and life’s work. He gave his heart and soul to the sport. Guyana has lost not just a great player and coach, but a man whose dedication and energy inspired many. His contributions to basketball in our country are immeasurable, and his legacy will forever be felt on and off the court,” the Association stated.
Following his death, there has been an outpour of tributes for the young man who at the time of his demise coached the ‘Untouchables.’