BCB, RHTY&SC set up GoFundMe account

− aim to assist additional 1500 families

The Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) and the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club (RHTY&SC) MS, recently set up a GoFundMe account in the United States of America with the aim of assisting less fortunate families across the ancient county of Berbice with food hampers and other necessities.

BCB President Hilbert Foster

The BCB and the RHTY&SC will also assist cricket clubs and young cricketers with cricket gear to aid their development.
Less fortunate school children will benefit from bicycles and school bags in an effort to help them “Say yes to education and No to drugs”.


The final two projects will be done under the Basil Butcher Trust Fund, set up in tribute to this great West Indies player who passed away last December.
The BCB/RHTY&SC has set themselves a target of US$10,000 for this GoFundMe project. BCB President, Hilbert Foster, is encouraging all overseas-based Guyanese to support this project. Foster assured that the money donated will be used for the intended purpose, and regular reports will be submitted.
Over the last two weeks, the BCB and the
RHTY&SC have joined forces to distribute over four million dollars’ worth in food hampers. Foster, who visited these areas at first hand, witnessed people struggling due to the coronavirus crisis and lack of employment.
The GoFundMe link is currently circulating on popular social platform Facebook. The link is published on the Berbice Cricket Board’s Facebook page and the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club’s page, while fellow Guyanese have also shared the link to the GoFundMe