Bee infestation in Region 6 worrying – Armogan

The infestation of Africanized bees is a worrying concern in region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne). The regional administration is seeking to put in place preventable measures.
The Africanized bee, colloquially known as the “killer bee”, is a hybrid of the western honey bee.
They surround victims in their multitudes – hundreds, maybe thousands of them, swooping and stinging and injecting venom into the human flesh.
They might go for the eyes, mouth, nostrils and ears.
Experts say unlike the European honey bee, this sub-species is especially sensitive to the presence of humans.
In Region Six every year persons have been dying as a result of bee stings.
Efforts continue to be made to remove them from places considered as being close proximity to residential areas but Regional Chairman David Armogan says the situation is still worrying but the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) has been providing assistance.
“We still have a lot of bees in some of the bushy areas in our region and so anytime people have problems with bees around their area they can call GLDA and they will attend to these hives… These things are very dangerous. Quite a number of persons have died as a result of bee stings. We don’t want that to happen so we are trying to make sure that it can be prevented,” Armogan said.
Over the past month the GLDA removed fifty hives containing Africanised bees in the Region. (G4)