Behaviour of APNU/AFC councillor distasteful

Dear Editor,

The behaviour of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) councillor, Deochan Singh of Hope West Enmore is utterly disgraceful. This councillor has been behaving in a manner which is deemed as psychotic and most time appears to be under the influence of something.

He is unwilling to work with the council for the development and betterment of Enmore, but portrays a different side to the public. Deochan Singh known as “Sharma”, is usually disrespectful to the chairman and councillors.

He even alleged that a minister ordered him to obstruct and break up the meeting. He also receives support from his APNU/AFC friend Anand Persaud, also known as Gilbert, in his bid to create confusion at the Council meetings. Both of their behaviours are immature, unprofessional and distasteful.

These are the quality of persons that the APNU/AFC Government has representing their interests at the Council. Is this the better life? Is this what we want for our communities? Are these the people we want our children to look to as leaders? Singh was allegedly fired from the Enmore estate for stealing but somehow still made the cut on the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) for the coalition.

It is time for us to deliver a higher calibre and quality of leadership to those who elected us at the last historic Local Government Elections.

It is time for Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan and his regional counterpart to take action against Singh and others who are deliberately upsetting the work programme and progress of our beloved NDC.

Yours truly,

Concerned citizen