Berbice businessman killed during robbery

…gunman found hiding behind washing machines confesses

A lone bandit forced his way into the supermarket of 59-year-old Akhbar Sain at Williamsburg, Corentyne, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) in the wee hours of Wednesday, and killed the businessman during a confrontation.
According to the Police, after receiving a report of an alleged breakage at a business place at Williamsburg at around 02:00hrs on Wednesday, a party of detectives went to the area and observed a body lying in the yard.

Dead: Akbhar Sain

Regional Commander Senior Superintendent Shivpersaud Bacchus said that upon arrival at the scene, the detectives observed that a grill door had been prised open and the glass door to the business had been opened.
The Police immediately surrounded the building, Bacchus said, and after the body in the yard had been taken to the Port Mourant Hospital, where it was pronounced dead, the officers made their way into the building.
While searching the building, the ranks found a man hiding behind a washing machine. The man reportedly challenged the Police, and was shot to the right arm. He was arrested, and a search carried out on his person found several wads of cash in his possession.
According to Commander Bacchus, the Police searched the building and found a .32 firearm and a total of 50 rounds of ammunition. He also said the suspect confessed to the crime, claiming that he operated alone.

The supermarket that was robbed

According to the Commander, the suspect claimed he had confronted the owner of the supermarket and lashed him to the head and other parts of his body with a piece of wood he was carrying. The Commander said the suspect claimed the businessman had also lashed him with a piece of iron.
The Commander said the suspect told Police that after gaining entry into the building, he went to the area where the money was kept and removed the cash.
The incident occurred during a power outage in the area. Neighbours said they heard when the perpetrator was trying to gain entry to the building.
Mahindra Baitu, who lives next door to the supermarket, said that just before 02:00h on Wednesday, he heard strange sounds and realised that someone was trying to break into the supermarket. And shortly afterwards, he heard the proprietor screaming.
“I called 911, and they responded quickly. When the Police came and they put on their torch light, they see the owner on the ground,” Baitu said.
Baitu said that after the ranks had removed the body, officers went into the building, and were inside for about four hours.

The grill to the supermarket door which was prised open

“The Police like they see somebody inside the building, and I heard three gunshots fired,” he said.
Another neighbour, Shanta Jaglall, said it was another neighbour who called her and told her that someone was trying to break the door to the supermarket. She said she was able to contact the owner via telephone and informed him of the developments.
“We tell him to be careful, and he said that he would be alright, and that he was coming downstairs. After that we did not hear anything, so I called the Police and tell them that somebody breaking into the supermarket, and they told me that they are coming.”
The woman said she subsequently heard Sain screaming, and she called the Police.
Some 17 years ago, a customer who was a teacher and also a student of the University of Guyana was shot and killed at the same supermarket when bandits invaded. The teacher was exiting the business place when he was shot.
Sain, who lived alone on the upper flat of the supermarket, had been operating the business for decades. (G4)