The Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce last evening official kicked off the Berbice Expo and Trade Fair
GMC booth at the Berbice Expo
at the Albion Sports Complex, Corentyne under the theme “Promoting entrepreneurship for a diversified economy”.
This year marks twelve years since the expo has been in existence and saw participation by corporate Guyana, several Government Ministries and small business operators. Given the current world trends where countries are being forced to adopt to economic and climatic changes to thrive, the theme which embodies the need to diversify and develop entrepreneurial skill was well suited and mirrored in the remarks of the various speakers.
The Exposition is the single largest event in the region and allows for both large and small businesses to gain from sales and promotions.
During his opening remarks, Secretary of the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce, Bhigroog, expressed his satisfaction and gratification with the Chamber’s efforts in successfully organising another such event.
Bhigroog made a call on Guyanese to seek new avenues by diversificating their produce when dealing with the rice and the sugar industries. “We have to explore new ways to keep rice and sugar alive.” he added.
Agriculturally, the region is probably Guyana’s largest producing regions given that most of its agricultural activities are rice, sugar, fishing and cash crop based. For 2015, the region produced quarter of the national production for rice and just over quarter of the national production for fish.
Many business operate in fishing, but the major strength lies in agriculture. Appeals were also made for persons to practice Climate Smart agriculture. Guyana has the potential to supply fruits and vegetables to its sister Caricom countries on a large scale basis and the Agriculture Ministry through the Guyana Marketing Corporation has been working tirelessly with farmers to ensure that the best possible markets are tapped into. This, however, can only be achieved through smart and planned agricultural practices.
Also speaking at the opening ceremony was Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin said that Government will continue to work with persons to formulate commodities to uplift the economy which will involve a diversification program to reduce import and advance export. “Even as El Nino posed great challenges for the region, Guyana is still expected to see a four percent growth in the economy,” Minister Gaskin
The remaining days of the expo will see patrons getting a chance to visit booths set up by the Ministry of Agriculture. They will be given the opportunity to see the various products and the services they offer while having the opportunity to clear up issues with extension officers. The Berbice Expo and Trade Fair continue until Monday.