Berbice housewife killed by Africanised bees

A housewife of Rotterdam, East Bank Berbice died on Thursday after being attacked and stung by a swarm of Africanised bees.
Vishnu Persaud, reputed husband of the late 58-year-old Dorothy Muriel Adams, told the Police that at about 17:00h on Thursday, the woman went to a shop to make a purchase, and about ten minutes later, a passerby told him that his reputed wife was attacked by bees and was lying under a house close by.
Persaud said that without hesitation, he went to check on his wife, and saw her in a motionless state with marks of bee sting about her body. She was picked up and taken to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where she was pronounced dead on arrival.
Her body is presently lying at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital mortuary awaiting post mortem examination.
On the same day, it was reported that 57-year-old John Sutherland of Eversham Village, Corentyne, Berbice was killed after he was attacked by Africanised bees. That incident occurred in the backlands of Eversham Village.