The lifeless body of a 28-year-old labourer was found lying in a hammock at his Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice (WCB) home on Monday. Dead is Alan Padmore, also known as “Jockey Boy”, a father of a four-year-old son.
Dead: Alan Padmore
Police stated that at the time of the discovery, a piece of cloth was found wrapped around the man’s neck. Reports are that on Sunday at around 08:00h, the man left home for work as per normal.
However, the man’s wife told investigators that at around 09:00h, she spoke with her husband via WhatsApp video chat.
At around 20:30h the same day, after the man did not return home, the woman said she retired to bed but when she woke up the next morning, she found his body in the hammock.
Police were immediately contacted and visited the scene where the “man’s body was examined and an impression was seen under his neck, suspected to be caused by the piece of hammock cloth.”
Further investigations are ongoing.