Berbice man remanded for stealing motorcycle from Springlands Police Station

Twenty-three-year-old Zeekel Jones also called ‘Ezekiel’, a laborer of No. 77 Housing Scheme Corriverton, Berbice was on Wednesday remanded to prison on a simple larceny charge.

Remanded: Zeekel Jones also called ‘Ezekiel’

Jones reportedly stole a motorcycle called at $290,000 belonging to Mohamed Mustafa Yardally while it was parked at Springlands Police Station on Saturday last.
However, he appeared before Magistrate T. Hardy at the No. 51 Magistrates Court and was not required to plea to the indictable charge when it was read to him.
As such, he was remanded to prison until August 8, 2024. The matter was transferred to the Springlands Magistrates Court.