Berbice teen dies after crashing into utility pole

– injured men claim they were being chased by Police

Nineteen-year-old Rahul Thakoor called “Budoo” of Patrick Dam Mount Sinai, New Amsterdam, is now dead after crashing his motorcycle into a utility pole along the East Coast Berbice Highway just after midnight on Saturday.
The accident reportedly involved a motorcycle, CJ 2552, which was being ridden by Thakoor, and a motorcycle bearing registration number CL 4458 that was being ridden by Keon Williams, 24, of Fort Ordinance, East Canje, Berbice, with a pillion rider, Lennox Reid, 18, of Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam, Berbice.
Police stated that both motorcycles were proceeding along the No 11 Public Road at a fast rate.

Dead: Rahul Thakoor

Williams, however, claimed that Thakoor undertook him and in the process clipped the handle of his motorcycle, thus causing both of them to lose control.
Thakoor reportedly collided with a utility pole while Willaims and Reid fell onto the road surface where they received injuries to their bodies.
The three men were picked up and taken to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital. Thakoor later succumbed to his injuries while Williams and Reid were treated and admitted as patients in stable condition.
At the scene on Sunday, one resident recalled being awakened by the impact. Upon checking, he realised that there was an accident since he saw a Police vehicle along with the two motorcycles and the three men.

The area where the accident occurred

He stated that soon after, the Police left the scene but returned shortly after. He added that one of the injured men was lifted and placed into an ambulance which arrived on the scene while the other two, who were obviously injured, entered the ambulance themselves. The ambulance then sped off the scene.
Thakoor, who was a carpenter and mason, reportedly left home with his brother-in-law and a friend to go for a drink. After some time, he returned home but went out for a second time.
Relatives stated that at the time of the accident, Thakoor was not wearing a safety helmet, thus resulting in him sustaining severe head injuries. They recalled seeing him bleeding from his ears and nose.

The utility pole which Thakoor crashed into

His mother, Sonita Hardat, related that upon receiving the news of the accident, she made her way to the New Amsterdam Hospital, where she was told that doctors were trying to stabilise her son.
“The doctor said give him one hour and if he doesn’t recover, they would carry him to town. I see two hours pass and then the ambulance come in front by the door and they take off the life machine and then they called me inside…”
Whilst inside, she was informed that her son did not make it.
On the other hand, Reid’s relatives, who were at the hospital, seemed to be disoriented. By midday on Sunday, both men were taken into the theatre to undergo surgery.
Hardat, nevertheless, stated that the family is getting conflicting stories as to what transpired on the fateful night.
“I hear that the Police were chasing them. My son-in-law and the other boy say Police was chasing them and my son looked back and before he could look in front, he run into the lamppost and pitch off. When I come home, I hear, I hear the Police say that the two of them jam up together and he run off the road,” the aggrieved mother stated.
The dead teen’s grandfather, Suni Hardat, said he was told that a Police patrol was on the road and they tried to apprehend the riders by lashing them with a piece of blue rubber hose.
“My grandson tried to divert from the hose and he crash into a post and the other one ride into a trench, but both of them survived and my grandson died,” he said.
Police say investigations are continuing.