The Government Analyst – Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD) has sent out a strong warning to consumers of copycat packaging of edibles which contain hybrid cannabis (marijuana) and can easily be confused for popular snack foods.
The copycat products laced with illegal drugs that have caught the attention of authorities
This warning is being issued to all consumers, especially children, about the accidental ingestion of these tetrahydrocannabinol or THC products.
“These ‘copycat-labelled’ cannabis products are a public health concern, given that people, including children, could mistake them for snacks and accidentally consume them. The edible products in question are specifically designed to look like popular branded foods using similar brand names, logos, and package designs,” the GA-FDD related in a statement.
The Department is aware that the copycat products are packaged to resemble Chips Ahoy, Sour Patch, Fruity Pebbles and Chocolate Fudge Brownies. Reports from both children and adults who eat these THC-infused edibles include experiencing adverse events like hallucinations, increased heart rate, and vomiting. Many individuals, especially children, may be hospitalised after consumption of these products. Consumers are therefore urged to immediately seek medical attention at the nearest hospital or health centre should any of the products be accidentally consumed.
According to the statement, hybrid cannabis plants are made by crossbreeding two or more plants, such as sativa and indica plants, to make a hybrid. Hybrids are basically a combination of the positive characteristics of the different strains bred together.
They can be broken down into three categories: sativa-dominant hybrids, which provide physical and mental relief with a cerebral high and a relaxing body effect; indica-dominant hybrids, which provide full-body relief with a relaxing and cerebral high; and even hybrids that provide an even head and body high.
“Sativa contains a higher percentage of THC, causing a more stimulating effect The GA-FDD is therefore urging consumers, especially school-aged children, to read product labels before consuming, since cannabis (marijuana) products are marketed as enticing candies and sweets, many times copying popular designs of various brands.”
Consumers are encouraged to reach out to local authorities with any tips on these illegal products that mimic the popular brands, to prevent sale and distribution. For additional information, or to report the sale of these copycat-packaged products, kindly contact the GA-FDD on 222-8859, 222-8934, or 222-8857; or visit to lodge a report.
Only recently, the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) warned the public, particularly parents and teachers, to be on the lookout for the popular kids’ snacks such as cookies and candies that are laced with marijuana.
Head of CANU, James Singh, on Sunday disclosed that that body discovered and seized packets of marijuana-infused cookies disguised as “Trips Ahoy” – a knock-off of Chips Ahoy.
The CANU has been clamping down on edibles being traded illegally on the local market. Last week, the CANU Head revealed the packages of other edibles that are being circulated in Guyana.