Dear Editor,
When Robert Corbin passed the baton of the leadership of the PNC at the 17th Congress in 2012, he warned the nation to “beware of wild men”. It is clear that his successor President Granger failed to listen to the political wisdom of Corbin. Today we have a wild-man Tacuma Ogunseye running amok all over the Granger Government conducting a witch-hunt in exchange for gold coins for his pocket.
But how wild is Tacuma? Was it not Tacuma in 2011 who on the Line-Top in Golden Grove who said at an African Cultural & Development Association (ACDA) public meeting in support of the then APNU, that African Guyanese must combat the PPP with a two-prong approach – first at the ballot box and if that falls short, then they must launch “a massive rebellion of African people throughout the length and breadth of the country for constitutional reform” (see
This wildman was prepared to use the working man and woman as cannon fodder to take down an elected government because he was not collecting gold coins then.
But Tacuma is not only wild, he is a paid hypocrite because a promise of Constitutional Reform from candidate Granger on the May 2015 campaign trail was never realised although 1/3 of the term has elapsed. Yet today, we have not even heard a squeak on this matter from wild-man Tacuma.
Where is Tacuma’s massive rebellion against the forces that has put Constitutional Reform into a coma? The wild-man’s silence was bought with a wages and benefits package that burns the taxpayers for some G million a year.
And thus my question still stands: for how long before 1992 was Tacuma Ogunseye collecting gold coins and did he sell out Walter Rodney?
Sasenarine Singh