Bisram’s distortions

Dear Editor,
Now that Vishnu Bisram has apparently arrived at the conclusion that his self-proclaimed campaign that he was Bhagwan’s gift to Guyana to be its representative to replace the former disgraced High Commissioner to India, he has resorted (reverted?) to his crusade of vilifying the Government, the PPP and its leaders.
This he did, continuing the trail set by his pal Baytoram Rambarack and others of their ilk, in his letter in the local press on October 17, 2024.
Bisram has long been giving the impression that he has been conducting “polls” in Guyana and coming to conclusions, but my enquiries have not been able to identify anyone who has been questioned by him, which leaves me with the concern if he’s conducting these polls in the confines of his mind, in a secluded space of his habitat, somewhere far removed from Guyana.
In his first paragraph, while I agree with his assertion that the 1980 Constitution was definitely conducted in an atmosphere of fear and fraud (I clearly remember incidents on that day of ignominy) I seriously question his conclusion that the “population” has long supported its replacement since 1980. Who bestowed upon Bisram the authority to speak for the Guyanese “population”. As anyone as academically inclined, like Bisram should realise, Constitutions are not instruments to be “fiddled” with. The 1980 Constitution, approved by Parliament, was never, as far as I can remember, challenged in the courts of Guyana, either by Bisram or anyone else.
I wish to support Dr Jagan’s sensible response when in 1992 he is reported to have said that he “can’t throw away the baby with the bath water”.
I’ve also observed that Bisram quoted Ralph Ramkarran that the Constitution should be completely “abrogated and replaced”. I’d like to know if Ralph had the same “suggestion” when he chaired the Committee to reform the Constitution.
In his second paragraph, he reveals his constipated mind, categorically that “political leaders (especially from third World countries) always want more powers” and went on to contrast this with “White rulers always sought or seek to reduce Government powers and give more power to people”. Bisram has certainly not educated himself in many areas, including the struggles in INDIA (emphasis is for his benefit), South Africa and other countries in Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere as well as the notorious slave trade and indentureship. I suggest he gets acquainted with those areas of power to the people bestowed by “white people”.
I’ve already commented on the “baby and bath water” statement that tried to do damage to the stature of Dr Jagan by stating that he made “tragic blunders in Government” and “anyone in the PPP ever invoked morality as a reason for replacing the constitution”. What “hogwash”!!! Constitution Reforms Commissions were appointed in PPP Governments between 1992 and 2015 and one during the current Government. Bisram and anyone else are ENTITLED to make ANY recommendation(s) he or his like thinking fellow travellers may wish to make, and allow the Commission to deliberate on them. I challenge him to do that and let the chips fall where they would be best situated.
Can Bisram once again enlighten us Guyanese on his contradictory statement of 90% in 1978/1980 “and a larger majority TODAY as per surveys SOME YEARS AGO and recent conversations with Guyanese”. You obviously mixed up today with some years ago. Who were these Guyanese you “conversed” with? Were they in your mind, in the diaspora or in Guyana? let us have the benefit of these conversations, Mr Pollster.
In another paragraph he went on to speak for the public by saying they “had faith in Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan and the coalition”. Are you hereby exposing your flank, Bisram?
Mr Ramkarran was not alone in being disappointed with the coalition, which was evident in them being kicked out of office in 2020.
I’ll close, even though much more can be said on his letter, but not without saying that hundreds of thousands of true blooded and genuine, patriotic Guyanese, some paying the ultimate sacrifice (their lives) and including many based overseas, to restore democracy to Guyana, finally achieved in 1992, with the Dawn of a New Era.
Bisram, even though you may have, the time is long past for you and others of similar beliefs, to shout from the roof tops that you were “deeply involved in that long struggle against rigged elections” I haven’t done a poll, but I daresay that no one is taking you seriously on that.

Harry N Nawbatt