The Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club (GMR&SC) held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the evening of Thursday, December 19, and election to executive positions in the club were conducted.
In that regard, Mahendra Boodhoo has again been elected President of the GMR&SC, having his mandate renewed by a margin of 33 votes in his favour as against 10 for his challenger, former club president Rameez Mohamed.
Boodhoo had been elected to the post in both 2022 and 2023.
Mohamed Shiraz Roshandin has also been returned as GMR&SC Vice-President, and a number of previous committee members have likewise been re-elected.
The recently re-elected GMR&SC Executive body. From left are: Alain Hopkinson, Malicia Lawrence, Mark Vieira, Luis Kumar, Joel Evans, Mahendra Boodhoo, Mohamed Shiraz Roshandin, Azaad Hassan, John Chin and Retesh Singh
The Executive body of the GMRSC is now comprised as follows:
Mahendra Boodhoo: President
Mohamed Shiraz Roshandin: Vice-President
Azaad Hassan: Treasurer
Azim Jaffar: Secretary
Retesh Singh: Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Joel Evans: Technical Advisor
John Chin: Club Captain
Alain Hopkinson: Committee Member
Malicia Lawrence: Committee Member
Mark Vieira: Committee Member
Luis Kumar: Committee Member
In regard to the plans of his team for the next year in office, Boodhoo had previously said, “We have a clear and achievable plan for the new drag strip, and the above visual is a representation of what we can accomplish. The design includes sloped areas at the end for spectator seating, ensuring a better fan experience.
“It’s important to note that this drag strip will not interfere with the circuit in any way, eliminating issues like drag strip rubber affecting the performance of circuit cars.
“We’ve been in consultation with a professional team from the USA to ensure the best possible construction for the drag strip. Our priority is to avoid the problems seen with the current strip, where the launch pad has been dropping over time.
“Just as we successfully delivered the circuit extension, we are confident this project will become a reality with the right planning and execution.”