Bosai awards country’s top students

Success through hard work and dedication paid off for numerous outstanding students across the country who benefitted from awards, as bauxite mining company Bosai Minerals Group Guyana Incorporated (BMGGI) presented its annual bursary awards, where the top National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) and Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) performers were honoured. The bursary awards, presently in its 11th year, saw the top 10 children of the company’s employees and those in the top 10 for Region 10 (Upper Demerara/Berbice) and Linden, as well as Guyana’s top 10 being awarded at a ceremony held at the Egbert Benjamin Centre, Mackenzie, Linden.

Bosai officials along local regional representatives pose with some top NGSA awardees
Bosai officials along local regional representatives pose with some top NGSA awardees

Bosai Senior Personnel Officer, Trudell Marks, in delivering the welcoming remarks noted that the awards programme is just one of the company’s signature programmes which gives back directly to Linden and Guyana.

Marks further acknowledged the exceptional performances of the students topping their respective categories. Among the top 10 NGSA awardees for employees’ children were Danica Wilson (537 marks) and Hrithik Mohammed (496); among Linden and Region 10’s top 10 NGSA students were Erenilda DeSouza (551 marks), Jaheim Joseph (548 marks) and Tieanna Croal (544 marks). Among those honoured at the National top 10 for NGSA were Anthony Ferreira and Aryan Singh (both 568 marks).

Top 10 employees’ children at CSEC included Daicia Caesar (7 ones, 3 twos and 1 three) and Serena Shania Scott (3 ones, 2 twos, 4 threes and 1 four); while among the top performers for Linden’s top 10 at CSEC included Asher Marks (45 points) and Risa Retemeyer (44 points). Among the top 10 awardees for the National top 10 at CSEC, were Kayshav Tiwari (19 ones), Aidila Ali (18 ones, 3 twos and 1 three) and Fatima Karim (18 ones 1 two). During the ceremony which saw the attendance of students, parents and family members, countless words of encouragement poured in. Bosai Community Relations Officer Vanessa Mitchell Davis who chaired the programme encouraged the awardees to aim for the stars and aspire for greatness. Congratulatory messages and encouraging words also poured in from Linden Mayor Carwyn Holland, Regional Chairman Renis Morian and Member of Parliament Jermaine Figueira. In his address to the gathering, Bosai General Manager Robert Shang highlighted Bosai’s continued support towards the community’s educational development, through its bursary awards programme, as well as other academic activities such as graduation ceremonies, sports, tours and pageants.

“Our young awardees, you are here today because we want to recognise your excellence… All of you are excellent students and I know you will continue in the path you started. I’m very proud of you and because we keep seeing greatness every year we will continue to embrace the awards every year to recognise the top performers across the country… continue on the path of greatness,” he said.

Shang continued that while this year’s awards will be the final one witnessed by himself as General Manager of the company, he noted that his successor Eric Yu will continue to make the awards bigger and better. In his final encouragement to students, Shang congratulated them, especially those who attained double awards, while urging students to aim for triple awards. He noted too that as Bosai continues its expansion over the years, some may even be employed at the company as managers. Head of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Horace James, in his charge to recipients encouraged them to continue the quest for excellence and to shoot for the stars, while never allowing anyone to set limits for them.