BrainStreet offers free online educational services

…following suspension of school

In order to keep students focused on their studies, given that all schools will be closed for the next two weeks, local technology provider BrainStreet is assisting by offering free online tutoring and practice questions in maths and English via its BrainCentral ( online learning platform.
BrainStreet is specifically focusing on providing these educational services to Grades Four, Five and Six during the next two weeks. However, the organisation will be offering sessions for other grades.
On Friday the Education Ministry opted to close all public schools for two weeks as a precaution in light of the COVID-19 epidemic which was detected in Guyana.
The closure commenced on Monday and the Ministry stated that “this decision will be reassessed during this period and further guidance will be provided.”
Interested persons are being advised to contact the entity on telephone number 225-5353.
BrainCentral is managed and operated by the BrainStreet Group. A technology services provider based in Georgetown, Guyana, the firm has been existence since 1994 and has been offering online learning services since 2005.