Breaking the cycle of absentee fathers: Leo Club launches “U Turn” project
…aims to tackle fatherless homes
By Rennella Bourne
In efforts to combat the high number of fatherless homes, the Leo Club of Georgetown in collaboration with the Men’s Affairs Bureau of the Social Protection Ministry launched the “U turn” project on Saturday (yesterday).
A section of the gathering at the launch of the “U Turn” project
The project launched at St Stanislaus College, is aimed at equipping men between the ages of 17 and 27, with skills, knowledge and resources to become better fathers to their children and better men in their communities.
The newly-elected president of the Leo Club of Georgetown, Reedel James, told those gathered that he is pleased they have an interest in the topic because in society many are accustomed to living in homes dominated by women, and grandparents playing the role of absent fathers.
U-Turn is a pilot project that is attempting to focus on three main areas where they believe young men that are fathers can better equip themselves for parenthood using three pillars which are to: be present, be a provider, and be a father.
Phase one of the project commenced on Saturday with life skills training addressing social, psychological and attitudinal factors associated with the use of legal and illegal substances.
Phase One also provides knowledge that will enhance the development of basic skills, personal competence, educational and job skills.
Speaking to this publication James noted that he wanted the club to do something that was more voluntarism.
“I came up with the idea of U-turn, along with the help of my colleagues, and after it was discussed we began planning.”
James further added that the project is not tackling any specific community. He said the project is catering for as many men who are willing to participate in the three sessions of the project.
Phases two and three will be held at the National Library which will be delving into Family Law and parenting skills in the upcoming Saturdays.