Dear Editor,
I would like to state my support for Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine and the work that he is doing within the Police Force. As many are aware, he is very popular among the rank and file and has certainly created an atmosphere of change by raising the level of discipline and integrity expected from the officers he manages.
I must mention that the men and women of the Guyana Police Force have dignity and are a professional group of people that I, like many Guyanese, hold in high regard. I salute these officers, but note there are a few who tarnish the reputation of the law enforcement body.
The issue of bribery is one that has plagued the Force for a number of years and has caused the trust of the public to diminish.
The issue is one that affects all Police Forces around the world. Bribery is a disease. What is even more alarming is that there is a well set-up system, whereby senior officers are involved and are benefiting from this practice.
Recently, the City Constabulary was accused of targeting certain Guyanese drivers and conductresses on the roadways. And this has been happening at an alarming level.
These acts go against the agenda fostered by the coalition Government, of social cohesion and unity. The Government must take action, as the buck starts and ends with the President. Since Local Government Elections earlier this year, the city government has forgotten that it was elected and its actions can prevent re-election.
I encourage the Council to respect the vendors, the taxpaying businesses and individuals, and the general public here in Georgetown. They are responsible for the major revenue of the city. We must remember who pays the piper calls the tune.
H R Khan