Businessman allegedly robbed of $1.2M at Parika

A 44-year-old businessman from Parika, East Bank Essequibo (EBE), was in the wee hours of Tuesday allegedly robbed of $1.2 million by two men who accosted him while he was waiting to be picked up.
Police stated that on the day in question at about 01:30h, the businessman along with this son and an employee arrived at Parika Stelling after conducting business in Leguan.
The businessman reportedly told Police that while at the stelling, he reached into his bag and realised that the money was missing. At that time, he suggested that the money may have been removed from his bag while he was socialising at a hotel.
As such, a report was made and Police accompanied him to check.
However, whilst heading to the hotel, he told the Police that he was at the Parika junction waiting to be picked up to go home when he was confronted by two men. He stated that the men placed “something to his side” and told him to “pass everything you got”.
They then relieved him of his mobile phone and the haversack containing the money. The perpetrators, he added, made good their escape on foot in the direction of the Parika fisheries road.
The identities of the two suspects were given to the Police, who made checks at Parika Seadam but no one was found. The Police are continuing their investigations.
Just a few days ago a businessman of Friendship, Corentyne, Berbice, was robbed of over $1.3 million in cash and valuables by three armed men.
It was reported that the 57-year-old businessman and a 23-year-old female were at his home in their hammocks when three men armed with handguns, wearing black clothing and fully masked held them at gunpoint and demanded cash and other valuables.
They then took them to the upper flat of the building, tied them up and dealt the businessman a cuff to his left eye, causing injuries. The couple was relieved of cash and several pieces of gold and diamond jewellery.