A Kitty, Georgetown businessman found himself before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Tuesday after he allegedly stole a $10 million wash plant (used for crushing rocks into smaller sizes).
Vickram Singh, of Lot 42 Station Street, Kitty, denied the charge read to him by Magistrate Fabayo Azore.
He denied that between February 1 and February 15, 2018 at Republic Park, he stole the wash plant from Maria Feguira.
The Court heard that the 32-year-old was entrusted with transporting the machine but failed to do so.
Police Prosecutor Simone Payne asked that substantial bail be granted and requested that the defendant report to the East La Penitence Police Station on a weekly basis. She also asked that Singh lodge his passport at the Court as he operates a business in the interior.
Attorney Lesley Benjamin, however, made an application for reasonable bail, given the fact that her client was willing to adhere to the requests of the prosecution.
As such, bail was granted in the sum of $500,000. The defendant is expected to make his next court appearance on April 16, 2018.