Businessman remanded on gun, ammo charges

The gun that was allegedly found on the businessman

Facing charges of unlawful possession of a gun and ammunition, Quincy Linton of Guyhoc Park, Georgetown was on Wednesday arraigned before Chief Magistrate (ag) Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts before being remanded to prison.
Represented by legal counsel, the 29-year-old businessman pleaded not guilty to the charges, but his application for bail was denied by the magistrate after the Police prosecutor raised serious objections to his being granted his pre-trial liberty.
The Chief Magistrate has suggested that Linton’s lawyer petition a Judge for bail for his client.
Linton was reportedly arrested with a 9MM handgun that had 17 rounds while attending GuyExpo at the Sophia Exhibition Complex in Greater Georgetown on Saturday evening. According to reports, he presented to the Police a laminated copy of a bogus firearm licence, and the document’s signature caused ranks to grow suspicious. The original licence, which he claimed to have, was nowhere to be discovered when Police searched his house.