Police are currently investigating an incident of robbery under arms allegedly committed on Neon Wray, a 48-year-old businessman, and Askale Wray, his 49-year-old wife, both of Perseverance Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara.
Among the various items stolen are one Guyana Passport and other personal documents, two A35 Samsung cellphones with a total value of $136,000, and Gy$125,000.
According to police, the armed robbery allegedly occurred on January 15, 2025 at about 19:45h at the victims’ Perseverance Housing Scheme residence, and it was perpetrated by two identifiable males of African descent.
Initial enquiries disclosed that the victims left their place of business, a wholesale beverage depot located in Ruimveldt Gardens, at about 19:30h, and arrived home at Perseverance Housing Scheme at about 19:45h. The two male suspects then jumped the fence of the victims’ compound and attacked them,
armed with what appeared to be two handguns.
They demanded cash and other valuables from their victims, and the victims complied without resistance, before the two suspects made good their escape by scaling the fence and departing on foot.