…it’s empty politics
It might’ve been a slow news day…but your Eyewitness doesn’t think so. He thinks it illustrates the political slant that defined the trajectory of every single event in Guyana. Your Eyewitness is referring to the banner front page headline by Stabber News: “Kwayana, Andaiye, Bhagwan hammer Govt on dismissal of thousands of sugar workers.”
Now this was a rehash of a story carried the previous day in their “In the Diaspora” column, which in and of itself was very laudatory for the words extended to the sugar workers under attack. But the points made there were made even stronger by so many individuals earlier in the year that Wales was closed and 5700 sugar workers have since been fired. So, if it wasn’t the message that was so special, what was it?
It was the messengers, that’s what!! The three cited and re-cited “old heads”, you see dear readers, are – as the Stabber took pains to point out in its self-referential remix – “foundation members of the WPA”. And if you just exclaimed “So what?” it means you just don’t understand how some peoples’ opinions in Guyana are privileged over others – and when it comes to the Stabber, the WPA is privileged most of all!
Now, as the PNC proved in 1992 – and the WPA finally accepted in 2011 when it merged with the PNC to form APNU – the WPA (dubbed the “Worst Possible Alternative” by Burnham) was never an electoral force. It was a “tendency”, a “gesture”, if you will, that rode on the back of the brilliant scholar-activist Walter Rodney. But the founder of SN was part of that tendency and his successors have kept the faith. Even though the back was broken when Burnham murdered the man, the remaining “leaders” continued flogging it – even though few walked the great man’s walk.
So for the SN to “big up” the trio’s statement is to just make another (nostalgic) gesture. What does SN expect to happen? Some supporters of the PNC will stand up to the party as in the days of Rodney? SN should remember that such actions were the result of countless hours, and days and months of “groundings” and walking in the shoes of those people by Rodney et al. Even in Linden.
What has the WPA been doing in the meantime, apart from legitimising the PNC on Rodney’s political capital? Even these souls have had to admit they’ve been played – like some Congo Drums.
If the WPA wants to be the WPA, their members in the coalition should resign immediately from the Government!
Rodney would’ve done so!!
…it’s grounds for dismissal
Children never take responsibility for their actions – “things” are done TO them, not BY them. Even when they run in to say, a table, it’s the table that hit them!! And here we have the perfect analogy to describe the actions of Basil Williams, Attorney General of Guyana! But he doesn’t just ask like a child – he’s more like a mean-spirited spoiled, brat!
He just insulted the Chairman of the Council of Legal Education (CLE), by pretty much calling the man a “liar” on the issue of the non-existent permission from the CLE for the Law School he (Williams) promised to deliver this year. It’s clear Williams hears only what he wants to hear – and since he promised a Law School, “permission” is what he heard!! So he’ll take the CLE Chair to Caricom?
Wouldn’t it be better for him to show the bona fides of the “Law School” invoked for his “Public Private Partnership”?
It’s a shame he’s dragging the name of JOF Haynes in his mud.
…the man’s a slacker
Seeking to defend the prospective Chancellor, Justice Benjamin’s Bulky Belize case backlog, AG Williams said “let those not guilty cast the first stone.”
Well, as Guyana’s number one slacker, Williams sure ain’t pelting no stone, soon!!