Calling …Pressie names

After Pres Ali alerted Guyana’s allies – and the rest of the world – about Mad Maduro’s latest outrageous and dangerous gambit: to have one of his naval vessels invade our EEZ and literally accost Exxon’s Liberty FPSO, the madman received stinging rebukes from peace-loving nations. Caricom weighed in – but as it’s wont to do – with some innocuous and banal platitudes. These were influenced, no doubt, by the fifth columnist small-island leaders like Ralph Gonsalves, whose mouths have been gagged by the Venezuelan hand that cancels out PetroCaribe debts.
But while such statements – also made by the Commonwealth and France – are good to make up numbers in other innocuous and ineffectual fora, like the UNGA, in our neck of the woods, it’s the reaction of the USA that matters!!
And that reaction was unequivocal: “Venezuelan naval vessels threatening ExxonMobil’s floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit is unacceptable and a clear violation of Guyana’s internationally recognized maritime territory,” said the statement from the department’s U.S. Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. And then came the punchline: “Further provocation will result in consequences for the Maduro regime”!!
How about them apples!! Mad Maduro must’ve wet his pants in Miraflores Palace!! Just a couple of weeks ago, he was smirking all over the place because Trump had sent his personal envoy to discuss the release of six American hostages (they’d been on a mission to take him out!!) and the acceptance of the return of 600,000 undocumented Venezuelans in the US. He proudly boasted that he was now talking DIRECTLY to the US Government!! They say, “Be careful what you ask for”!! Trump promptly cancelled the licence to Chevron, which was pumping 240,000 barrels a day and keeping the economy afloat!!
Now comes this warning on Exxon’s FPSO!! Too scared to respond to Trump, Mad Maduro took to calling Pressie names!! He said that Ali was a “Caribbean Zelenskyy” trying to stir up trouble in the region!! No wonder VP Jagdeo called him “infantile” – cause this goes to show how far Mad Maduro’s removed from reality!! Zelenskyy’s infantilism was to refuse Trump’s offer to have American mining companies in Ukraine as his security guarantee against Russia!!
America is obligated to protect its companies on foreign soil; to attack them is to attack the United States!!
Ali, on the other hand, ALREADY has American companies – the oil majors Exxon and Chevron to boot!! – brought here to Guyana back in 1999 by a die-hard communist, Janet Jagan, for that very purpose!! And Maduro now threatens them!!
We always knew Maduro was mad, but he’s now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s also a FOOL!! But then maybe he thought he was dealing with Sleepy Joe Biden, and not hair-trigger Trump!!

…on the ICJ
With Mad Maduro, it never seems to stop. You’d think he sleeps and wakes with our Essequibo on his disturbed mind!! Well, maybe he does!! With one-trick ponies, they keep repeating the trick that worked for them to collect their reward!! With him having one-quarter of his population jumping ship after he wrecked the country and rigged elections to stay in power – think Burnham, if you’re old enough! – he wakes up in cold sweat, worrying about who’ll get rid of his sorry a55!!
What’s worked for him up to now is to remind the remaining faithful – and those he’s bought out by handing out the reins of the economy – about those big, bad Gringos who did Venezuela wrong by STEALING Essequibo from them!! Rally round the flag!! Never mind the Arbitral Panel THEY requested authorized the present borders!! So, he’s scheduled elections for an Essequibo governor on May 25 – one day before we celebrate independence!!
So, we’ve gone to the ICJ – in charge of the border controversy!!

…on the Opposition
The Opposition – especially the PNC – gotta get their act together. Even the PPP accept they need to be kept on their toes – accept that corruption and cronyism are inevitable in the supercharged economy we’ve become!!