Home Letters Can constitutional reform do something about election rigging attempts?
Dear Editor,
I read with interest Dr Henry Jeffrey’s dissertation on governance and equability, published in the media on March 5, 2024. Jeffrey appears confused on whether to defend Hamilton Green’s candid admission that the PNC had rigged elections and that it should continue to do so.
Whatever his objectives might have been, Jeffrey’s language indicates he is no different from Green. Thus, he adds to Green’s putrid construction of the PPP as “devils, bastards, and demons” with his own insertion of “evil.”
Green is against constitutional reform, while Jeffrey is for it. But the real question for both of them is this: Can constitutional reform stop the APNU/AFC from rigging elections? How would a 2/3 majority vote in the National Assembly get the APNU/AFC from breaking with their past? Perhaps Green is right about cultural change, although not in the sense intended. Apropos, it would take massive cultural change within the APNU/AFC, and especially in the PNCR, for the country to move forward.
The wickedest act in democratic politics is election rigging. Laws can help, but only cultural change will put a permanent stop to it in the APNU/AFC.
Dr Randy Persaud