Can’t touch this…

Why is it your Eyewitness isn’t the least bit surprised Royston King wasn’t censured by the City Council on Sherod Duncan’s motion?? Is it possibly because he’s not only stuck his middle finger at all his critics of his serial transgressions but proceeded to stick his index finger into their eyes, and was allowed to get away with it for almost three years? Here’s a fella appointed by the Communities Minister – who’s never even brought him to task – much less to heel! – for so flagrantly abusing his office.
And an AFC Councillor to boot!! While Duncan seems to be a good egg (your Eyewitness is speaking RELATIVELY, of course!!) he’s effectively carrying around the neck the albatross the AFC’s been transformed into by their leaders. Who from the PNC will take him seriously when his leaders are jostling each other to become that party’s doormat?? And this is what it’s all about, isn’t it? Party politics.
Georgetown is PNC territory…and once you carry the party’s banner, all is forgiven. And Royston King is a “born PNC” so his mandate is “do wha’ you want wid dem!”!! Signing a parking meter contract that would’ve effectively had the City in hock to the Smart Operators…oops!!…Smart City Solutions – until the sun runs out of hydrogen?? No problem! Clearing Stabroek Market of vendors and herding them into a private lot? No problem! Leasing City Land to private developers to create house lots. No problem!! And the list goes on, and on, and on….!
Royston King is a metonym for the politics of Guyana….and that’s why the Mayor has no shame or compunction in so blatantly subverting any hope of getting Georgetown back on its feet. They know they’re not being judged by any rational criteria such as “getting the job done” or efficiency or other such quaint standards…It’s all about keeping those PPP types OUT!! Remember when Hoyte – the leader of the PNC allowed the PPP to get back into the government? Well remember too that they voted for Hamilton Green for Mayor – because he’d resisted Hoyte’s move to hand over power!!
These same two connivers, Green and King, were behind the movement of half a dozen motions of no-confidence against Carol Sooba when she was the Town Clerk. So if they were OK then, why not now?? Funny you ask, dear reader…Carol Sooba was PPP!!! That’s why not!! And just to remind you, again, Georgetown is PNC.
Like MC Hammer, King is singing, “You can’t touch this…oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh!!!

…sacred cow
Why is it your Eyewitness also isn’t surprised David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis lost their columns in the Chronic. It does appear these two worthies really believed in David Granger’s avuncular demeanour and forgot the old saying, “You can’t judge a book by its cover”!! And even with books there’s the Burnham corollary on what’s inside the covers: it’s not what’s on the lines that matters – it’s what’s between the lines!!
Both gentlemen had experiences with Burnham – the founder leader of the PNC, whose legacy Granger has vowed to continue. And what’s that legacy? Burnham had bauxite workers tear-gassed at Linden in the early seventies when they wanted the money in the Canadian pension fund RILA NOT transferred into a local fund. Then later in 1979 – when Rodney was infiltrating the GDF…he fired the top tier and placed the relatively junior Granger at its helm. Read between the lines as to why.
And the rest, as they say, is history. A very sordid history. One that will brook nothing but slavish sycophancy.

…wet run
If a “dry run” is a trial run of something so as to get a feel for the real Mc Koy, then Exxon conducting a test of handling a possible oil spill at Splashmins has to be a “wet run”!!
Or a damp squib!!