CANU intercepts nail technician with cocaine in curry, pepper pot at CJIA
A 33-year-old nail technician was on Tuesday morning intercepted at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), Timehri with 6.232 kilograms (13.71 pounds) of cocaine.
The woman was an outgoing passenger on Copa Airlines destined for Panama with an onward connection to the John F Kennedy International Airport, New York.
The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) stated that a search was conducted on one of the passenger’s check-in luggage during which the cocaine was found in two bowls – one with curry and the other with pepper pot.
The cocaine concealed in the pepper pot and curry
Following the discovery, the woman was arrested and escorted to the CANU headquarters where the cocaine was weighed and amounted to 6.232 kilograms. She remains in custody assisting with investigations.
On Friday last, CANU intercepted a vehicle with a quantity of cocaine and cannabis at Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD).
It was reported that ranks, acting on information received from a citizen, intercepted the vehicle containing 522 grams (1.15 pounds) of cocaine and 5.866 kilograms (12.91 pounds) of ganja. The illegal substances were found hidden among cargo that was being transported at the time.
Following the operation, two persons were arrested pending charges.