As Police in Linden continue to crack down on incidents of drinking and driving, more perpetrators continue to be hauled before the court.
Thirty-eight-year-old Kelvin Samuels was charged with the offence of driving under the influence (DUI) and appeared before Magistrate Clive Nurse at the Linden Magistrate’s Court.
The court heard that Samuels operated a motor vehicle while his breath alcohol level exceeded the legal limit.
According to the facts of the case, on July 16, Samuels drove motor vehicle PKK 9468 along the Washer Pond road, Mackenzie, Linden, while his breath alcohol level was 59 micrograms. Samuels, of G5 Canvas City, Wismar, Linden, pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $7500. Failure to pay the fine will result in one week’s imprisonment.