Car belonging to Plaisance resident set on fire

Fifty-two-year-old Edward Taylor, of Prince Williams Street, Plaisance, East Coast Demerara (ECD), was awakened in the wee hours of Thursday to find his motor car bearing registration number PSS 407 engulfed in flames.
Police stated the fire was spotted around 02:30h and the Fire Service was immediately alerted. A fire tender from the Campbellville Fire Station responded to the scene and firemen put out the fire.
Based on reports received, Taylor had secured his motor car and retired to bed on Wednesday evening about 21:00h.
He reportedly parked the $2.2 million vehicle on the eastern side of Prince William Street facing north, about 40 feet from his home. However, he woke up to find that his car was in flames and contacted the Police. No one was arrested as Police continue their investigations.