Caricom congratulates Suriname on 45th Independence Anniversary
Caricom Secretary General Ambassador Irwin LaRocque
The Caribbean Community (Caricom) has congratulated the Government and people of the Republic of Suriname on the country’s Forty-Fifth Anniversary of Independence, to be celebrated today.
“The diligence, unity, creativity and innovation of the people of Suriname have been key to the continued development of the nation,” Caricom Secretary General, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque said in his congratulatory message to President Chandrikapersad Santokhi.
“The values enshrined in the motto on the coat of arms, Justitia Pietas Fides (Justice Faith Loyalty), have become a guiding light and will no doubt continue to fuel the country’s quest for continued success,” the Secretary General said.
He noted that Suriname continues to make significant contributions to the progress of regional integration. “Caricom, therefore, looks forward to its ongoing leadership in the crucial areas of community development and cultural cooperation (including culture, gender, youth and sport) for which you, Excellency, have portfolio responsibilities in the Quasi-Cabinet of the Caricom Conference of Heads of Government,” the Secretary General told President Santokhi.
“I join with the Caribbean Community, in celebrating this anniversary with the Government and people of Suriname and extending best wishes for the continued advancement of the nation and the well-being of its people,” the Secretary General added.