Caught between a rock and a hard place

Dear Editor,
There is a call for Team Mohamed – I do not see a team, but that’s what this newest family of persons is called – to enter the upcoming presidential race.
This is a very commendable move on his part, but let us discuss how this man got here.
Hitherto, the Mohameds were a somewhat obscure name. They were a rich family who were busily engaged in building an empire for themselves. Take note: they were engaged in building an empire FOR THEMSELVES. The family team came to prominence after news broke of sanctions being levelled against the family; it was then this back-and-forth between the Mohameds and Government intensified.
In the first place, instead of trying to clear their name with the US Government, who imposed sanctions against them, the Mohameds are now vilifying the Government of Guyana for their downfall. At this juncture, the name Mohamed shot into prominence and became a household name; and he became visible in the public eye as a “good man” who helps poor people in this country.
He has built a few homes for unfortunate victims of fire and other bad circumstances, but that was not enough; it did not make any real inroads in his quest to be taken off the list of sanctioned persons. Therefore, the next move was to stand on the sidelines and vilify the PPP/C Government.
He is turning up in known areas of disagreement, to gain the attention of persons and shore up his popularity at the same time.
So, someone must have whispered in his ear, ‘Why not run for President? We are going to vote for you, we want change. Out with the PPP/C Government!’
Now, it should be noted that some of those shouting for change are people who were greatly helped by the PPP/C Government. Some of them had received such help as free housing and land ownership, but they are now out to get what we say in Creole “more freeness.” This in itself puts a damper on his presidential bid, because he is being showcased by people who are clearly an ungrateful lot in that they are biting the hand that fed them. So, rather than help his case, these public relations stunts of his hurt his case.
In trying to vilify the Government, Mohamed has to face up to the challenge of a PPP/C Government that has received the commendation of a reputable international organization such as the IMF. Mohamed has to measure up to the PPP/C Government being honoured with the badge of achievement from the IMF for management of the economy and for overall good governance of our country.
Mr Mohamed has no experience in governance, neither has he a team with which he can carry out that mandate. If he had a brain, he should have done what that other “Fullah man” did. I am talking about Ed Ahmad, who, when charged with money laundering and gold smuggling, promptly paid his fine and did his time. He is now free to publicly declare his assets as well as to invest in his country.
The ‘dark shades’ Mohamed moghul thinks he is slicker than that. He believes he can win an election and control a government that is like the ‘Desi Bouterse and Son’ team in Suriname, or like Pablo Escobar himself. In either case, he would be up against the USA and, of course, sanctions.
Now, this is the situation that confronts Azharuddin Mohamed:
1. Go it alone and form his own party, let’s say Team Mohamed. Lest he becomes overambitious, third-party forces, far less independents, have never won an election in Guyana.
2. Who would constitute that team? Would it be persons from the PPP or from the PNC? The PPP/C have already given him the marching orders: that they will not – I repeat, cannot – enter into any association with the Mohameds. They have issued that edict on the firm platform that an association with the Mohameds means an entire country being sanctioned with him. This will not happen!
3. He can join with the PNC in a coalition of sorts
4. If he joins with the PNC, would they be willing to have him lead?
5. That would be wishful thinking
6. Mohamed would become another puppet, like the two little Indians before him, who were used and then dumped.
So, at the present moment, the Mohameds are caught between a rock and a very hard place!

Neil Adams