Celebrating International Youth Day

As the world observes International Youth Day, it is essential to reflect on the role that young people play in shaping the future of nations.
International Youth Day 2024 was on Monday celebrated under the theme “Green skills for youth: towards a sustainable world.” This global observance, held annually on August 12th, highlights the importance of empowering young people with the knowledge and skills needed to address the pressing environmental challenges of our time.
In Guyana, the youth population stands as a driving force for development. This year’s theme underscores the need for equipping young people with the tools and opportunities needed to lead the charge toward a more sustainable and prosperous future.
Guyana is at a crossroads, with its emerging oil economy offering both opportunities and challenges. The youths of this nation are uniquely positioned to influence the direction of this growth. However, for them to fully realize their potential, they must be provided with the education, resources and platforms necessary to engage in meaningful societal transformation.
Education remains the cornerstone of youth empowerment. It must be acknowledged that Government has made commendable strides in offering numerous scholarships and training programmes in the areas of vocational training, digital literacy, and environmental stewardship. Among these are the GOAL scholarships and multiple skills training through the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) and Women Innovation and Investment Network (WIIN) These initiatives are not merely acts of goodwill; they are strategic investments in the country’s future that are designed to equip Guyanese citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to drive economic growth, social progress, and national development. There is also a pressing need to align the educational curricula with the demands of the modern world. This includes not just traditional academic subjects, but green skills —those that contribute to the preservation of the environment — must be at the forefront of educational reforms. By fostering a generation that is not only aware of, but is actively engaged in, sustainable practices, Guyana can secure its environmental and economic future.
Moreover, the role of youths in governance cannot be overstated. With just over 60 per cent of the population under the age of 40, it is imperative that young voices are not just heard, but heeded in the corridors of power. Youth involvement in policymaking, particularly in areas such as climate change, education and economic development, is crucial.
However, empowerment must go beyond just education and governance. Guyanese youths must be encouraged to innovate, to challenge the status quo, and to envision a future that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable. This requires a cultural shift that values creativity, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility. Initiatives that support young entrepreneurs, especially in green technologies and sustainable practices, should be prioritised. By doing so, we not only foster economic growth, but also create a sense of ownership and pride among the youths in their role as stewards of the nation’s future.
But the responsibility does not rest solely on the shoulders of the youths. The Government, private sector, civil society, and international partners must work collaboratively to create an enabling environment wherein young people can thrive.
Increased representation in local government and mentorship programmes has helped to bridge the gap between generations in Guyana, and will ensure that the aspirations of the youths are reflected in national policies.
As we celebrate International Youth Day, it must be remembered that the future of Guyana is inextricably linked to the empowerment of youths. They are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the changemakers. By continuing to invest in its people, Guyana is laying a strong foundation for a strong future. Let us commit to supporting young people in every way possible.