Home Letters Cementing their legacy as thieves and fools
Dear Editor,
According to religious texts, everyone and everything disappears and is forgotten in time. In typical fashion, it is the bad deed which remains in our memory the longest but in the final analysis, everything is erased.
Recent events, originating from PNC/APNU/AFC and GECOM suggests that there exist people within these organisations who will defy logic itself by stubbornly persisting with their blatant efforts to rig the 2020 elections. They are determined to prolong their stay in history. Clairmont Mingo has already guaranteed his extended life. He will be canonised in songs and folklore to illustrate comical and blatant examples of fraud. Likewise, his boss, Keith Lowenfield, will personify the dishonest and slothful man who sought 156 days to count less than 500,000 votes. Claudette Singh’s name will be synonymous with dishonour for holding an entire nation hostage. Jordan will represent the unbridled man of money who spent 5 times the purchase price to repair a building, which he did not own and which he could obviously buy for a fifth. Indeed, most of Granger’s cabal could be identified with hypocritical, fraudulent and foolish deeds.
Not to be undone, David Granger and his main man, Harmon, have also extended their already long rap sheet of duplicity. In their latest snafu, they repudiated and acknowledged the same document which was paid for by the people of this country, was submitted by the GoG under Joseph Harmon’s official hand to a US lobby, JJ&B LLC, to lie to Washington about PNC/APNU/AFC/GECOM’s never-ending attempts to steal the March 2020 elections. Moreover, the document, which was posted in the public domain, itself confirms, under the penalty of law, which party submitted it and on whose behalf. Whereas the submissions insist that Granger is a citizen of the USA, in what appears to be a disgraceful attempt to seek pity, the man himself denies that. These are glaring contradictions, which no decent or rational human would entertain.
I am forced to conclude that the former caretaker now illegal President, his entire cabal and agents within GECOM, many of whom are in their golden years, are trying their best not to be forgotten even if that means being remembered as thieves and fools. They will most certainly be joining the likes of Nigel Hughes, who will take some forgetting as the author of half-man mathematics.
Ravi Ram