Cemetery Road Project: Contractors failed to meet 2-week deadline

– now ordered to complete work by Saturday

Project Engineer Lokenauth Balkishun

Despite promises to have the $475 million Cemetery Road project complete in two weeks, the contractor, Avinash Construction, and other sub-contractors have failed yet again to meet the deadline and as such, a new date was set to complete the work.
The piece of infrastructure which stands at 95 per cent complete is one year behind, despite the Government’s efforts to help Avinash Construction fast-track its completion.
Just two weeks ago, several sub-contractors were hired by the Public Work Ministry to work simultaneously to complete three sections of the project while Avinash Construction takes over paving and the building of the bridge at Princess Street.
Guyana Times understands that the sub-contractors adhered to the revised delivery date of August 8, however, the same couldn’t have been said for the main contractor who has been working on the road for the past two years.
In fact, during a telephone interview with this publication, Project Engineer Lokenauth Balkishun revealed that one of the sub-contractors was presented with an additional proposal to conduct works that Avinash Construction was mandated to finish by way of a ‘Programme of Execution’ agreed upon between them and the Public Works Ministry.
“Well, one has just completed his section and the other sub-contractor has a last period of exercise. We extended work for her because she already finished the part that she had to complete it.  So, the Ministry actually gave her some additional work just because of the lapse of Avinash to actually, you know, do his part,” Balkishun reported.
Works on the Cemetery Road project include the construction of two bridges, installation of culverts at Sussex Street, and widening of the road to four lanes.
During a site inspection last Saturday, Public Work Minister Juan Edghill had expressed that he is satisfied with the quality of work and effort of the sub-contractors but the same was not expressed for Avinash Construction and Metal Works.
The Project Engineer says the team is working day and night to maintain progress and all activities are being closely monitored.
“We will actually have the thing at the border to install two pedestrian bridges in the middle of, let’s say, right between Sussex and the next one is at Laing Avenue. Just to actually get the functionality of the work that we have and that was decided and created probably two days ago…The only aspect that is left is the bridge at Princess Street which is the eastern section and just generally cleaning it. So, we’re pushing to complete everything by Saturday afternoon,” he added.
The contract for the Cemetery Road Project was awarded in 2022 and caters to a two-lane carriageway being extended into four lanes. However, the project suffered significant delays owing to heavy rainfall and procurement challenges.
Back in April, the government terminated the contract of Kalco Guyana Inc. after it failed to complete Lot 8B of the Conversation Tree to Dennis Street Road project.
Around this time, Avinash Construction and Metal Works was also on the chopping block but was given a second chance.
The government has since pursued liquidated damages from the contractor for the delays suffered in the execution of the contract. (Trichell Sobers)