Challenging…the PNC’s lies

As the PNC continues to flounder in a mess of their own artifice (pouring a new leadership team into an old authoritarian template), the PPP continues to make (political) hay!! Ali and Jagdeo are doing a tag-team act around the country and abroad to show the PNC that anything they can say, they (the PPP) can DO better!! So Norton jets off to the US to “expose” the PPP’s “racism” and “illegal” installation? The PPP counters with Pres Ali jetting off to UAE to secure investors to develop our Agri and other potential!! Action versus words!
Ali returns with specific commitments from investors…Norton returns with no more than some firm handshakes from the geriatric PNC brigade holding out in Region 11!! Did anyone see a single person below 60 in those pics?? The advice Norton got –  as in Guyana – was from folks stuck in the past. They’ll contribute funds but want Norton to use “brute force and ignorance” to oust the PPP!! They’re insulting Norton – much as with Corbin – by putting him in a strategic straightjacket!!
Norton will discover – as did Corbin- that being a one-trick pony just won’t cut it in Guyana – especially when the PPP’s blitzing their base from all angles with concrete initiatives. Force is always one aspect of political action…but so are education and alliance building. While Norton was talking tough to satisfy his founders, in just the last week, there were at least a dozen initiatives made by the PPP to the PNC’s base.
In Reg 2, VP Jagdeo announced 800 jobs created…plus farm-to-market roads built that’ll benefit the entire coast. Then in Linden – Norton and Corbin’s hometown – Jagdeo now announced that in addition to the 1000 homes being built in the area, there was funding for 250 small businesses! Employment, baby…with more primed in the pipeline!
In the meantime, President Ali went personally down to West Berbice and announced that Reg 5 will be the centre to the livestock prong on his food security for the Caribbean. Obviously coordinating the plan with Barbados PM Mia Mottley, he’s bringing in 1000 Barbados Black Belly Sheep.  They’ve been specially bred to flourish in our climes – and produce good quantity and quality mutton!! This will join the thousands of cattle are already being reared by West Berbicians – especially by the PNC base. The area is in for a massive economic transformation!
The depth of that reservoir of PNC strength  was demonstrated after the last rigging attempt, when Granger and Harmon riled up violence against innocent citizens following the savage killings of the Henry brothers.
Let Norton try that in 2025!! Too late shall be the cry amid weeping and wailing!!

…economic myths
One of the myths fostered by the PNC after the passing of their Founder-Leader Burnham was that the banks didn’t give their supporters loans. And that’s why they’ve lagged economically compared to other groups in the country. This claim supplied much of the fuel to spark the fires of discontent that erupt in violence ever so often here. But that claim is a standing libel on Burnham. Didn’t he nationalise ALL Banks in Guyana – even the  great Chase Manhattan and Barclays?
And didn’t he launch the Guyana Co-operative Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank (Gaibank) to provide loans for the big ones and the Guyana National Co-Operative Bank (GNCB) to make the  “small men” the “real man”?? What happened? Anyhow after the PPP entered office in 1992, if the now privatised banks were discriminating against PNC supporters, didn’t Banks follow Yesu Persaud and opened a friendlier Bank – Citizens Bank?
And what now that an African Guyanese has finally applied and received a licence for a Merchant Bank??

…the GECOM Chair
Norton told the visiting US diplomat he wants Claudette fired as GECOM Chair. Why? She “always” votes with the PPP Commissioners.
So, she must vote “PNC” – even if she finds their position untenable? That’s how Justice works?ssssss