Charges against PPP officials an indication of APNU/AFC ineptitude

Dear Editor,
Misconduct in public office and value for money are two terms the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Administration professes to hold in priority, and as such, three years after launching investigations into billions upon billions in developmental transactions they have charged former Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh and National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Executive Director, Winston Brassington.
The facts reveal, however, that the APNU/AFC Government under the guise of good public management and accountability for the State’s resources is rather using the judicial system as a tool of silencing any voice of opposition.
Attorney General Basil Williams and President David Granger himself, though not a lawyer, must be clear that the case against the two top financial officers does not hold water and will in fact be dismissed by any Magistrate.
In my view, as, the economic advisor to the political Opposition there is no plausible reason to charge the two for any financial crimes since none was committed.
What David Granger and those in the Cabinet and Government are quickly realising is that a State is not run as a business where a profit margin is the only consideration.
Both Brassington and Dr Singh have been charged with executing the decisions of the Cabinet Counsel of Ministers – it is not as if these two men arbitrarily took possession of pieces of State land, sold them and then pocketed the cash. Had this been the case then most assuredly the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) would be in full support of their prosecution.
Actions by this Administration must not be seen in isolation of each other and as such, the sedition clause in the Cyber Crimes Bill, aimed at silencing the citizenry, has to be seen in the context of the Granger Government’s plot to silence elected representatives through fabricated charges.
Remember, while in Opposition, David Granger and his acolytes accused the PPP of siphoning 20 per cent of the annual Budget through corruption.
If there is any guilty of misconduct in public office is this Administration, which paid millions to uncover its much touted ‘corruption under the PPP.’ So far the Granger Administration successes as a result of the millions spent is to go after patriotic Guyanese serving their country, this in order to save face and to show constituencies that the APNU/AFC Government is taking action.
Nothing is further from the truth; the Granger Administration is instead laying the foundation to eliminate members of the PPP from appearing on its 2020 candidates list to contest the Regional and General Elections.
Misconduct in public office would be the D’Urban Park Project or the blatant misuse of public funds to target members of the political Opposition.

Peter R Ramsaroop,
Economic Advisor to
the political