A porter, of Lot 15 Ketley Street, Charlestown, was on Tuesday remanded to prison after denying the charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.
Uman Alleyne appeared before Magistrate Dylan Best at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. 
It was alleged that at Marudi Checkpoint on November 25, 2016, he had in his possession 55 grams of cannabis for the purpose of trafficking.
The unrepresented man told the Magistrate that he was requesting leniency since he has a child and another one on the way. He added that he could not afford to be in prison since his child mother could not work as a result of her pregnancy.
Despite the man’s lengthy plea for leniency to the court, the prosecution objected to bail citing the nature and the penalty the crime attracts.
Magistrate Best told the man that he was sorry for his position in life, but he was not inclined to grant him bail unless he had special reason and not personal reasons.
Additionally, Alleyne told the court that if he was not getting to walk out of the courtroom without shackles and handcuffs, he would like to change his plea.
“I want plead guilty now because I can’t get lock up. Your Honour, I only know about 16 grams of cannabis that is all I had on me. I do not know how they get 55 now,” stated Alleyne.
He was cautioned by the Magistrate who told him that three years was the minimum sentence for the offence committed.
The porter then told the Magistrate that he no longer wished to change his plea.
As such, he was told to return to court on December 6 for reassignment of his matter by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.