Child father charged with beheading PK woman

Murder suspect
Silos France

Silos France, a 27-year-old gold miner of Port Kaituma, North West District (NWD), Region One, was on Friday arraigned before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh charged with the brutal murder of his child’s mother, 23-year-old Paulette Edwards, in Port Kaituma between June 4 and 7, 2024.
France has not been required to plead to the indictment, and has been remanded to prison until August 6, 2024.

It was reported that the 23-year-old Paulette Edwards had last been seen alive on June 4 in the company of her child’s father, the murder accused, who was at that time physically assaulting her.
Three days after, her headless and semi-nude body was found in a state of decomposition among a clump of bushes in a swampy area at Cat Walk in Port Kaituma.
Her head was subsequently retrieved nearby, and the police have since identified France as the prime suspect.

Silos France and Paulette Edwards in happier times

France presented himself at the Baramita Police Station and was taken into custody and interrogated, during which he reportedly confessed to the heinous crime and detailed that Edwards had been in the habit of reporting him to the police, which had caused him to be locked up on several occasions.
He also said he was not too pleased that she would normally walk around with their daughter while intoxicated.
He is reported to have told police that on the day he committed the act, a heated argument had erupted between them; and he had knocked her unconscious, cut off her head, and tossed it into the river at Port Kaituma.
An autopsy has reportedly confirmed that Edwards had still been alive when her head was severed.