Chinese Embassy slams VICE News’ distortion of Guyana-China bilateral relations

…as Su Zhi Rong mulls legal action

The Chinese Embassy based in Georgetown, Guyana, has slammed the distortion of the facts on Guyana’s bilateral relations with China, making it clear that relations with the two countries, inclusive of business relations, are founded on the law and international practices.

Guyanese President Irfaan Ali and Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Guo Haiyan

China’s statement comes in the wake of an interview conducted by a foreign reporter from VICE News with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo. During the interview, Jagdeo was asked a number of leading questions about Chinese business practices in Guyana and relations between the two countries at a diplomatic level.
According to the statement from the Chinese Embassy, which is headed by Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Guo Haiyan, Guyana-China bilateral relations are mutually beneficial and should not be influenced by third parties.
“Recently, when a journalist from VICE News interviewed Hon Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, she was found to come to Guyana with predetermined agenda and tried to smear and attack China-Guyana cooperation, as well as Chinese companies. The Chinese Embassy is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to such violation of professional ethics.”
“China-Guyana friendly cooperation, featuring equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness, and benefits for the people, is in accordance with the interests of the two countries and two peoples, not against any third party, nor should it be influenced by a third party,” the diplomat said.
From a business perspective, Haiyan was adamant that Chinese companies operational in Guyana adhere to all applicable laws. From a foreign policy perspective, she also expressed China’s appreciation for Guyana’s support for the One China principle.
The One China Policy is a principle that does not recognise Taiwan as an independent state. Instead, Taiwan is considered as a breakaway province of China. During his interview with the VICE News reporter, Jagdeo had reinforced Guyana’s support for the One China Policy and had even pointed out that the United Nations and most other countries adhere to this policy.
“Chinese companies operating in Guyana are following the local laws, international practices, and market rules, participating in big projects through open and fair competitions, which is beyond reproach.”
“The Chinese side highly appreciates that the Government of Guyana upholds the one-China principle and keeps developing cordial relations with China,” Ambassador Haiyan further said through the statement.

During her interview with Jagdeo, the VICE News reporter claimed she was quoting Chinese logger Su Zhi Rong in many of her insinuations against the Vice President. She claimed that the businessman had admitted to her to being the middleman between Jagdeo and other Chinese businesses.
But in a statement on Wednesday, Zhi Rong refuted VICE News’ allegations and categorically distanced himself from the reporter’s utterances. In fact, the Chinese businessman said he is considering legal action against VICE News.
“I, Su Zhi Rong, wish to state categorically that I have never solicited any inducement from any company or individual for either myself or any government official including the Vice President. I have read the insinuations by the VICE News network and others and wish to deny any wrongdoing including influence peddling,” he said.
According to Zhi Rong, he has been a local businessman for many years, during which he adhered to local and international laws and standards. He called VICE News’ insinuations “false reports and fabrications.”
“I wish to refute strongly any suggestion that I acted on behalf of any government official, that I presented myself as a representative of anyone or that I promised any favour or business-related reward. I have already engaged with my legal representatives on these false reports and fabrications,” Zhi Rong also said.
In a specially-convened press conference on Tuesday evening after his interview aired, Jagdeo had castigated VICE News for its sensational reporting tactics. He noted that the interviewer was more or less hunting for something spectacular hence the biased line of questioning.
In fact, the reporter’s line of questioning suggested that Guyana was taking financial incentives from the Chinese hence most of the contracts that are being awarded were given to Chinese contractors.
But Jagdeo highlighted that some of the projects that were listed by the interviewer were not awarded to Chinese companies. He further pointed out the recent contract for the Linden to Mabura Road was awarded to a Brazilian company.
With respect to the Amaila Falls Hydro Project and the Demerara Harbour Bridge Project, the VP had noted that they were still in the negotiating stages. (G3)