Chinese national charged with gun, ammo possession granted bail

More than a week after 30-year-old Ying Xin Su was charged and remanded for having an unlicensed firearm and ammunition was on Monday granted $400,000 when she made her second court appearance.
Su, a former travel agent was one of three Chinese nationals who were busted at a city hotel two weeks ago with $39 million and one unlicensed 9mm pistol with 15 rounds of matching ammunition. Following the joint operation, the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) issued a wanted bulletin for Zhenjian Fang from New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
However, during Su’s appearance on Monday, she was represented by attorneys-at-law, Bernard Da Silva, Ganesh Hira, and Naresh Poonai who made a bail application on her behalf.
After listening to the arguments, the Magistrate granted their request on the condition that she report to CID Headquarters once a month until the termination of the matter.