Chinese national stabbed in critical condition

Chinese national Xia Jun Zhang, a 36-year-old male whose address is unknown, is in critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital after being stabbed in an incident that occurred at La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demerara at about 21:15h on Sunday, January 1, 2023, the Police have said.
The Police have said that ranks, acting on information received from a 911 call, went to Lot 25 Onion Field, La Bonne Intention, and a 66-year-old pensioner of the said address claimed that he was in his living room watching television when he heard his gate rocking.
He said he looked through his window and saw a Chinese male running into his yard screaming for help. The pensioner said he then went to his back stairway, situated south of his building, and was able to see the injured man lying on the ground in a bloodied state. There were stab wounds to the left side of his upper body.
The EMT was summoned, and the injured man was picked up in a conscious state and escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Emergency Unit, where he underwent surgery. His condition is listed as critical.
The police have launched an investigation into the matter. (G12)