CH&PA seeks to prioritise planning function

Seeking to give prominence to its planning role and functions which, over the years, have been neglected and overshadowed by the exegeses of its housing function, The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) is hosting its first National Planning Forum – a two-day affair — at the Regency Hotel in Hadfield Street, Georgetown.

Stakeholders involved in the planning process

Under the theme “Planning in Guyana and the Role of the Central Housing and Planning Authority”, this forum has brought together staff of the CH&PA and stakeholders involved in the planning process and planning permit to increase awareness about the role and functions of the CH&PA with respect to planning, and to deepen collaboration among the stakeholders.

Attendees at this forum include representatives of the Local Democratic Organs and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Guyana Fire Service, Guyana Power and Light (GPL), Guyana Water incorporated (GWI), and the ministries of Public Infrastructure, Education and Public Security.

Upon conclusion of this forum, strategies would be developed to address some of the issues plaguing the planning system in Guyana.

Addressing the opening of the session this morning were Minister within the Ministry of Communities, with responsibility for housing, Mrs Valerie Adams-Patterson; and staff of the CH&PA, including the Chief Development Planner, Germene Stewart.

In her address, Minister Adams-Patterson acknowledged that the current state of planning in Guyana is “not at the desired level, when compared to other developed countries.” She pointed to a number of challenges that have contributed to this state of affairs, including the lack of awareness and understanding of planning, the lack of capacity at the local level to meaningfully address planning issues, the overlapping functions of the regulatory institutions, and weak collaboration among institutions.

Noting the effects of these challenges and how they are manifested in breaches of planning regulations and building by-laws, encumbrances and nuisances in neighbourhoods, squatting and desecration of the environment, the minister explained that the National Planning Forum is a start in the process of recognising the pivotal role planning plays in addressing these issues, and the critical role of the CHPA in the process of planning.

The Minister explained that the outcome of the forum should see improvement in coordination and collaboration among all institutions involved in the land-use planning process. Importantly, she said the forum is expected to result in collaboration between the CH&PA and the Local Democratic Organs (LDOs) being significantly enhanced, so that these entities would be better positioned to address violations in their districts.