Home Letters CH&PA should visit township of Corriverton
Dear Editor,
Please permit me a space in your newspaper so I could publicly plead with the Ministry of Housing & Water, and more particularly with officials from the Central Housing and Planning Authority, to visit the township of Corriverton to address many of our housing and water needs.
Editor, it’s no doubt that many of the towns, and more particularly Georgetown, was graced with many of these “Dream Realized” outreaches. Why not us? Are the young professionals of Corriverton not entitled to “young professional” homes in Corriverton?
Why isn’t there, to date, an urban-rural policy like obtains in New Zealand, which enshrined policies to help rural people get out of the impoverishment that usually plagues rural life, and allow them to unlock the potential of urban life?
Editor, what many in urban life take for granted is often considered a fortune for us. Editor, almost all the towns in Guyana have a Housing office, except I believe Rose Hall Town and Corriverton. Editor, please let me be frank, in that I am in no way pointing a finger at the Ministers, I know they both have transformed the lives of many. However, I think it’s time the people of Corriverton get their lives transformed.
I look forward to attending this forum to help address my housing needs soon.
Shewprashad, B.Sc., M.Sc.